Digit VA

2021/ Stoneware, Glass/ 30 x30 x50 cm
On view during Group Show Multilogue-Digital at Mouches Volantes, Cologne, Germany. A glass object found buried alongside a body of a roman cemetery in Cologne. A burial good, inscribed with the message Drink, live well, forever. {Trinke, lebe schön, immerdar.}  It became a central point of inspiration for the presented object Digit V-a. Not only as a visual reference, but questioning its manufacturing process and context as well. 
How did the diatrearii {the carvers} manufacture the Cage Cup in the first place? How did they construct the drinking vessel, revealing the net structure as a particular character to the object? A seemingly digitally manipulated object, setting a precedent for itself. Digit V-a is a physical manipulation, constructed through an assemblage of digiti {fingers}. They compose a fifth-digit net, posited as consuming mouths, expelling and reaching upwards, attracting and ensnaring prey.